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Important Facts About Indoor Air Quality That You Need To Know

Indoor Air Quality Services Tucson-Cool Breeze CS

Air quality is something that has many people very concerned. Unfortunately, while outdoor pollution levels continue to get a great deal of attention, many people are completely unaware of the fact that indoor air quality is often much worse than the air outdoors.

Additionally, people are generally not aware of how poor indoor air quality can compromise their health and overall quality of life. This is particularly true for senior citizens or individuals who have allergies or breathing problems.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants

These are a few common indoor air pollutants that we can all learn more about.


Many people like to burn candles. While candles can definitely add a touch of ambiance and beauty to your home environment, they can also release toxic chemicals into the air your family breathes. If you do use candles, always make sure they are either bees wax or soy based and that only essential oils are used in scenting the candle.

Air Fresheners

For those who want to freshen-up their home with air fresheners, it’s important to know that almost all air fresheners release toxic chemicals. These noxious chemicals can exacerbate asthma and other respiratory problems.

Furniture And Printers

Other common household items that can contribute to poor indoor air quality include ink jet printers and even furniture. The toxic chemicals used in many flame retardant treatments applied to furniture made before 2006 are known carcinogens.

Create A Healthier And More Comfortable Home

While it can be unsettling to think about all of the air pollutants that may be inside your home, at Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions, we can help you create a healthier and more comfortable indoor environment for your entire family. We offer duct cleaning, air filtration systems, air purifiers and other effective solutions for your indoor air quality problems.

We are your Tucson air conditioning and indoor air quality services experts!

Call Us Now To See What Will Work Best To Keep The Air Clean For You And Your Family

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  • Our company is family-owned and -operated
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  • We offer military, veteran, and senior discounts